
Thursday, May 02, 2013

Photography Thoughts ... and a GIVEAWAY!!

Come with me for a second ...

I've been working on this blog in my head for a while.  Have you ever wanted to say something but not known exactly how to say it?  Yep, that happens to me a lot.  Just ask my husband.  He hears ... um ... with a very long pause often.  Ha ha!

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about why I love photography.  Or even what I love most about photographing people or things.  In the end it's really about one thing ... blessing people.  It's not about money for me.  It's about knowing what I do means something to someone.  You know?

I love that when I take family photos they end up on people's walls or in albums.  I love that when I photograph weddings, some photos I took are blown up REALLY BIG!  Ha ha!  And when I look back at all of the photos I've done I love it most when a mommy who's giving all of herself to her beautiful children looks at me and says, "thank you for making me feel beautiful again."  I LOVE that!

Follow me on that bunny trail for a second.  Have you noticed how women give so much of themselves but don't really expect a whole lot in return?  I so admire that about them.  It makes me proud to be a part of that club.  I've been thinking a lot about that specifically.  Wishing there were something I could give back to women.  I think there is ... and I'm really excited to share it with you.

Mommies, wives, girlfriends, career women, whoever you are wouldn't you love an excuse to take an hour or two to specifically feel beautiful again?  Have you gotten caught up in the routine in life and maybe forgotten to give yourself time to breathe?  Or daddies, husbands, boyfriends, business men do you know a woman who is incredibly beautiful inside and out but maybe doesn't know or remember that?  Would you all allow me to give that to you ... to her?

I would like to propose a gift ... a gift of my time to bless someone you believe is beautiful (regardless of shape, size or skin colour), someone you love dearly and someone deserving of just a little time for themselves.  It's for this reason that I would like to give away a beauty photo session.

What's a beauty photo session?  Well, I can tell you what it's not ... it's not a portrait session (though there might be a few portraits mixed in) and it's not a modelling session that's way too much pressure.  What it is though, is an opportunity for a woman to dress up, feel beautiful and have fun being herself while I photograph her.  I believe inside every woman is a little girl who wants to feel like a princess and see that she really is photogenic.  I just want her to have that moment in real life! When we're done she'll have photos to give away to others or just keep for herself.  It's up to her.

The Give-away Details

The give-away session will be for one person only and they have to be female.  It will last 1-2hrs and can include up to 3 different wardrobe changes.  The session will also include approximately 15-20 fully edited high quality digital images ready for printing.  The giveaway is only extended to residents or those living within a 40km radius of Aylmer, St. Thomas and London, Ontario.

How to Enter

  • All entrants for the Beauty Session Give-away MUST be nominated by someone else.
  • In order to nominate a person for the session simply leave a comment on the blog with the person's first name only and tell us tastefully why you believe they're beautiful and why they deserve this session.  Please make sure to leave an email address where you can be reached. 
  • Each person is only allowed to be nominated once.  
  • At the end of the contest each nominee will be given a number and will be used to choose the winner.  

Contest Deadline

All nomination comments must be received by 11:59pm on Thursday, May 9.  The winner will be drawn by 12:00pm (noon) on Friday, May 10 that way the session may be given to the winner as a Mother's Day gift if desired. :)

Sound good?  Awesome!  If you have any questions just let us know!

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Ready?  GO!